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Best motivational pictures

Nobody rises to low expectations

yes if you don’t have any expectations and want life to give you chance then you have toa ccept a medicore life

Do it now sometimes later becomes novel

yes if you hoping life/luck will come and you have to wait for perfect day then you are in fantasy

Your future is created what you do Today not tommorrow

alwse have the grasp on time and your your time to do things today itself and don’t postpone work because you are postpoing yout succes

That was al man needed hope…it was lack of hope that discouraged a man

if you lost hope then nothing make sense

You can’t have a better tommorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday

Traveling ,it leaves speechless then turns you into a story teller

Try to take time to travel and spend time in nature

let it go…how much you will think it will me more painful of past

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